This website is dedicated to Commander Suit. Freshman year of high school we were in the same English class. During the unit on "descriptive writing" we were given an assignment to write a short story with writing as descriptive as we could possibly make it. We both wrote very vivid paragraphs about pooping into a girl's mouth, with phrases like "she opened her mouth like a baby bird begging for its food" and "it coiled onto her tongue like soft-serve ice cream".
This website is dedicated to T&T. The first time I ever saw internet porn, it was eighth grade and we were sleeping over T's house. It was WeLiveTogether dot com (lesbians). After they went to sleep, I went back upstairs to the computer to watch more.
This website is dedicated to J. In sixth grade she wouldn't let me into the "pen 15" club by writing it on my hand because I was "too nice". Well look at me now you fucking BITCH. I'm kidding. Thank you for that time in 7th grade English class when I made an extremely convoluted joke to which the teacher responded "is that supposed to be funny?" You were the only one who laughed, or at least pretended to laugh. So thank you for that.
This website is dedicated to all the attendees of the original "COCK PARTY". I love you guys.
This website is sponsored by the Data Squirt(tm) conference.